Science & Universe

Solving the Riddle of the Black Hole: Abyss of the Universe

애플앤마블 2023. 7. 7. 09:20
The black hole has long fascinated the human imagination with an incomprehensible cosmic entity that defies our understanding. With its enormous gravity and ability to bend (distort) space and time, black holes represent some of the most attractive and mysterious objects in the universe. In this article, we'll talk about the nature and formation of black holes by digging into the depth of black holes, and the bending of the mind that occurs within the range of gravity.

What is a black hole?

A black hole is an area where gravity is so strong that even light cannot escape from its attraction. They are born from the remains of huge stars that have experienced gravitational collapse. The core collapses inward, creating an infinitely dense singularity surrounded by the event horizon.If you cross this boundary, no information is avoided information. Nothing can ever get out of it

Type of black hole

There are various types of black holes depending on their mass and formation process. Although star black holes are formed from the remains of huge stars, supermassive black holes exist in the center of galaxies and contain millions to billions of solar masses. Intermediate mass black holes are located between the poles and are still being studied. When a planet becomes huge and its weight becomes enormous, it becomes a black hole. Anything can be a black hole.

Distortion of time and space

The black hole shows an amazing phenomenon that occurs in the severe curvature of the surrounding space-time. Gravity time extension and gravitational lensing are two effects caused by black holes. Time extension means slower time travel when a black hole gravity field is present, and gravity lens means that light bends around the black hole, distorting the appearance of the object behind it. How about looking at the world with a gravitational lens.

Event horizon and non-return points

The event horizon of a black hole is a boundary where nothing can escape gravity. Never. When an object passes through an event horizon, it is consumed by a black hole. This concept challenges our understanding of the universe and asks interesting questions about the fate of matter and information in a black hole.

The paradox of Hawking radiation and black hole information

Black holes are not completely black. There is light coming out from radiant heat. According to theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking, black holes emit weak radiation known as Hawking radiation, which is caused by quantum effects near the event horizon. The discovery challenges the idea that information could be lost within a black hole, leading to a controversial black hole information paradox.

Recent observations and discoveries

Advances in observational astronomy have allowed scientists to study black holes in more detail. In 2019, the first direct image of the black hole event horizon was captured, revealing the supermassive black hole at the center of the M87 galaxy. The breakthrough provides valuable insights into the properties and behaviors of these space animals.


Black holes are still one of the most mysterious and interesting phenomena in the universe. There have been many advances in understanding them, but many mysteries still remain. As scientists continue to explore the depth of the universe and broaden the boundaries of knowledge, they can uncover secrets hidden in outer space and shed light on the basic workings of the universe.


So to surprise the mystery of the black hole, it challenges the understanding of the universe and raises the curiosity to explore deep into the universe.
